Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Top Producers for December 2012

Congratulations to Jaret & Cohn's December 2012 Top Producers from each of our offices!
Chuck Brawn from our Camden Office
Carole Leporati from our Rockland Office
Charles Hunter from our Belfast Office
Tracie Pooley-StClair from our Waldoboro Office
Great job and wishes of continued success in 2012!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Melanie Butman - St. George River Council President

Congratulations and good luck to Melanie Butman of our Rockland Office who has been elected as the president of the 2012 St. George Council of the Midcoast Board of of REALTORS.
Having been raised and educated here in Maine, Mid-coast Maine defines what Melanie values in life. Melanie’s career experience includes many different aspects of finance and management that is so important in handling today’s complicated real estate transactions. Melanie has balanced career and family and enjoys spending time exploring the Islands off the coast and the wildlife in Northern Maine. Melanie knows well of Maine’s abundant resources that allow for a variety of outdoor adventures. Says Melanie “we never tire of enjoying the quality of our surroundings and looking forward to the change of seasons at home here on the coast and in the mountains of Maine.” In her career as a fulltime Realtor, Melanie finds business contacts within her work with non-profit organizations, local schools and countless charitable events. Melanie’s clients find that when you want the knowledge of a connected real estate professional, you need to find the one who is invested in the community to provide you with the best results.
You can reach Melanie in our Rockland Office at 207-596-0352.